The Dancing Toaster Podcast

Weekly Paranormal podcast sitting at the intersection of faith and the unexplained.

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Tuesday Dec 24, 2024

Hello Toasters! I hope you're getting ready for season 2 launching on January 7th. Until then, here's something to hold you over.I told you last week in the final episode of season 1 that I was going to try and have a surprise for you before Christmas and I was able to get it ready.
Very few of you know that my ministry background didn’t start with preaching but with music, hopefully it doesn’t shock too many of you what kind…
It took a major backseat after my ordination, about a decade, but recently I tried to dust off the skills and merge them with what we do here on the show, and package it together for ya.
The instrumental was produced by Trunxks, you can find him on YouTube and social media under Trunxks beatz.
The song is called “Odyssey of the Mind”It’s inspired by both Homer’s Odyssey but with splashes of Pilgrim’s progress by John Bunyan
For the honor of the Prince of Peace our hero sets out on a journey through multiple treacherous environments to slay 3 ancient monsters.
The Tentacled Beast of Lazy can be found in the Pools of Stagnation.A Demonic host of fear is uncovered in the Forest of Uncertainty.And atop the highest peak in the land is the gold armored Titan named Pride who unsurprisingly has named the mountain after himself.Only with the aid of the prince of peace will our hero overcome these obstacles.
Thank you for the love the last 3 months, 2025 is coming and is going to be huge for the Dancing Toaster.
Some of you were asking earlier how you could help support the work I’m doing with the show.The Patreon has officially launched, if you can support monthly, the Toastie level is 5 bucks a month.I’m gonna be frank, the perks are still rolling out, right now it’s general support and will be ad free listening but there are many more things to come, next month and next year.
If you want to support the show by giving a one-time gift, the PayPal is also up and running now, simply give to:The Dancing Toaster
If you’re not able to support the work financially, I totally understand, I still appreciate all the love, thank you for listening to the show, and you sharing the show with others is impossible to put a price on, so thank you for that as well.
Don’t worry, the show will never be behind a paywall, but there will be awesome extras coming: discounts on merch, behind the scenes stuff, early access, and some live stuff too!
Please like, subscribe, follow, share, comment, and now you can even become a patron, do all the things you can wherever you consume the dancing toaster, but whatever you do, don’t consume toasters, and don’t consume any fruitcake, it’s probably from the 1950s simply in a new box, I love ya, I’m out!

Tuesday Dec 17, 2024

Why did the priests from the exorcism have to go to court? Why did Anneliese's parents have to go to court? What was the verdict? Did Anneliese really have 6 demons? Was she even really possessed at all? Could her beliefs truly have been the real problem? What are some of the problems with Roman Catholicism and the Catholic approach to Exorcism? What are some of the dangerous and confusing teachings of the Catholic church? Join me for the finale of the case of Anneliese Michel, the last episode of the season, and perhaps the most controversial so far.
The Dancing Toaster is a podcast that wrestles with the intersection of faith and the paranormal. I release new episodes every Tuesday on Spotify, Apple podcasts, and YouTube. 
This is the final episode of season 1.Season 2 will resume on Tuesday January 7th!

Tuesday Dec 10, 2024

What do we know about the woman who inspired The Exorcism of Emily Rose? Who was Anneliese Michel? Was she truly possessed by demons? Or was she simply fighting a losing battle for her mental health? How did she die? Was her death preventable? Why is her case still considered one of the most controversial cases of the modern day? Join me for part 1 of our in depth discussion of a woman who lived a tragic and terrifying life. There is plenty hear to challenge you no matter what side you fall on.
The Dancing Toaster is podcast that wrestles with the intersection of faith and the paranormal. I realize new episodes every Tuesday on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and YouTube.
Please be sure to like, share, follow, subscribe, comment, review, do all the things wherever you consume the Dancing Toaster, but whatever you do, don't consume toasters.

Tuesday Dec 03, 2024

What happened at the Demon House of Indiana? Was there really 200 demons there? What is demonic possession? How can someone be possessed? Who can be possessed? Who or what is Zozo? What is the Zozo phenomenon? Do Ouija boards really conjure up demons? Why are some people delivered immediately and others gradually? Today we ambitiously attempt to tackle two accounts that dive into multiple aspects of the Unseen realm.

Tuesday Nov 26, 2024

What is the true story that inspired the famous movie entitled the Exorcist? Who is Roland Doe? Did a Ouija Board really have anything to do with it? What really happened to him? Can the story show us anything about demons, demonic possession, and exorcism? Was he possessed at all? Was it mental illness? Was he faking it? What can this account show us about the nature of belief and unbelief? In today's brief episode we answer these questions and more on The Dancing Toaster!
The Dancing Toast is a weekly podcast that wrestles with the intersection of faith and the paranormal. I release new episodes every Tuesday on Spotify, Apple podcasts, and YouTube.

Tuesday Nov 19, 2024

Who or what is Annabelle? Did she truly haunt people? Did she contain the soul of a little girl? Or was it something more nefarious? Can an object itself even be haunted? Can spiritual beings occupy or animate physical objects? What do Dagon and Thor have to do with Annabelle? What does all of this have to do with the Devil and the hierarchy of the powers of darkness? Join me once again as we cover this wide range of topics and much more on Episode 8 of The Dancing Toaster!
The Dancing Toaster is a Podcast that wrestles with the intersection of faith and the paranormal. I release new episodes every Tuesday on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube.

Tuesday Nov 12, 2024

How can a place be haunted? Who are the Warrens? What is paranormal investigation? Is the Conjuring real? What happened at the Arnold Estate? What are residual hauntings? What does the Bible say about haunted places? These are just some of the questions we consider in episode 7 as we finally tackle the topic of hauntings!
The Dancing Toaster is podcast that wrestles at the intersection of faith and the paranormal. New Episodes come out every Tuesday morning on Spotify, Apple podcasts, and YouTube.

Tuesday Nov 05, 2024

Everything is not a demon! What are ghosts? What are crisis apparitions? Has a ghost ever helped someone? Has a ghost ever killed someone? How did the Apostles view the spiritual world? These are only some of the questions we consider in part 2 of our first discussion on the topic of Ghosts and Spirits!

Ghosts and Spirits of the Dead

Tuesday Oct 29, 2024

Tuesday Oct 29, 2024

Are ghosts real? Can they be found in the Bible? What exactly is going on in 1st Samuel 28? Are mediums real? Can spirits of the dead be summoned to earth? What happens to souls when they die? Join me as we answers all of these questions and so many more in our first deep dive into the topic of ghosts and spirits.

Lilith: Queen of the Succubi

Tuesday Oct 22, 2024

Tuesday Oct 22, 2024

Who is Lilith? What is Lilith? Was she the first wife of Adam? What is her relation to Succubus and other similar sisters of shadow throughout time and space. Join me as we continue our discussion into female demonic entities.

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